Photo mechanic compare
Photo mechanic compare

photo mechanic compare

Because it really is that valuable and amazing. I’m just writing this to just help you get off the fence and to go buy it. And it’s definitely the tool I recommend you get to cull your photos. But for those of you who want to make more money while working less, Photo Mechanic by CameraBits has your back. But not all photographers want to spend a dime to improve their work-life balance. If your BRANDING doesn’t match the quality of work your business offers, it’s a HUGE diservice to you!! Branding MATTERS.All photographers want to save more time. After getting over the fact that their branding is horrible, I realized that the product they were offering was definitely LEGIT! It’s awesome and I’m so glad I took a risk and tried something new!!! And ps. It’s $150 and it was such a worthwhile investment! My good friend Chris Isham randomly tweeted about it and so I looked into it. So basically, I LOVE Photo Mechanic because it saves me TIME. LR can edit MUCH faster when it’s working with one folder of 1,200 cr2 files instead of 3,000 cr2 files!! If you import and then cull in LR, even when you’re only viewing your culled images, LR is still processing through that WHOLE folder of images. LR is too slow for sorting and culling and rendering and 2. This didn’t work for me for two reasons: 1. Most people import into LR, cull in LR and then EDIT in LR.

photo mechanic compare

So I drag the 5 starred images into their new home and Photo Mechanic transfers these raw files instantly! It’s AWESOME! So now, I have a 5STARRED folder with all of the images I’m going to edit and THEN I import those images into LR. If an image is 5starred… that means it’s top notch:). So after I import and cull all of my images in Photo Mechanic, I create and new subfolder under “TJ and Meredith” titled “TJ and Meredith 5 STARRED”. So just DO it then! Once a wedding is culled, in my opinion, it feels like 1/2 the work is done! Once you’ve seen them, that takes away 1/2 the excitement and you automatically lose motivation to cull later. Don’t just look through your images, cull WHILE you’re looking. There is a great reason why I do this: When are you most excited to see your images? Right after you shot them….so why not CULL them when you’re excited to see them.


Photo mechanic is EXTREMELY fast with rendering full screen raw images while importing so that I can CULL my images AS they come in. I have a system where I import my raw files to my first DROBO and I place them into a folder titled : “TJ and Meredith” and then a subfolder titled “TJ and Meredith UNEDITED”. I like to cull WHILE I import and so this is why I started using Photo Mechanic for IMPORTING, CULLING and SORTING. Raw files are MASSIVE and LR just doesn’t process them quickly while importing. Well, what I wasn’t realizing was that those 10-15 seconds to render images in LR was eating up HOURS of time during my workday. Well, me being my stubborn self kept saying… “well, LR works just fine, besides, why would I want ANOTHER program to work with”. Sure, you only have to wait about 10-15 seconds for each image to load but 10-15 seconds ADDS UP! I had heard the Photo Mechanic was GREAT for culling and importing. I use Lightroom 4 and Bridge and Photoshop CS5… what more could I need, right? Well, if you’re shooting in Raw like I do, you have probably noticed that LR can take FOREVER to fully render a cr2 file while importing… making CULLING (selecting the BEST images) extremely difficult. Because of the “look” of this program, I automatically wrote it off as something that wouldn’t help me. Whose logo looks like it was just copied and pasted form google images! No thank you.

Photo mechanic compare