I've yet to see a question flat out ignored and the patience you all have in putting people on the right track, if not flat out solve their “I've never worked with a product that has such fantastic and enthusiastic support. Joseph Labrecque, “GSAP hosts what is in my experience, the most welcoming, patient and helpful support forum I've ever come across.
“Really quite impressed with JS - even the small things.”.
The arcs are drawn from the center, starting on the 0 deg horizontal axis, rotating. Jan Paepke, “GreenSock is the best thing that happened to SVG animations since SVG animations.” Latest version: 3.28.2 License: 9.99 Rated 4.5/5 by 64 People What does Boxy SVG do SVG is the standard format for storing vector graphics such as icons. All angle arcs are defined in a 100px X 100px viewBox. In this case the view box starts at 0,0 and is 50 wide and 20 high. The coordinates are x y width height of the view box. These coordinates define the view box of the